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  4. Routing Reaper’s Audio to SYQEL

Routing Reaper’s Audio to SYQEL

Routing Reaper’s audio to SYQEL is easy! Let’s go over how to route Reaper’s audio on Windows and MacOS.


1: Head to Reaper’s Audio preferences by selecting [Options] – [Preferences] or [CTRL] + [P]

2: Navigate to the Audio Devices section.

3: Select WASAPI as your driver type. (Note: Do not use ASIO drivers).

4: Download and Install a Virtual Audio Cable.

5: Under Output Device select Line 1.

6: Now, within SYQEL, select Line 1 as your audio input.


1: Download and install Loopback.

2: Within Loopback, create a new virtual device.

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3: Within Reaper, head to your audio preferences and select Default System Device as your audio device. Loopback will automatically start capturing the audio.

4: Within SYQEL, select Loopback Audio as your input.

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